Monitor first linux client with cmk

Monitor first linux client with cmk

After we have set up our checkmk environment, we can integrate our clients

First we need to open following firewall port: 6556. Now go to you're checkmk instance. Click on setup. In the section agent you'll see Linux. Now choose the right package and download it.

The left one is for debian and the right one for red hat based systems.

Download the one you need and transfer it to the system you want to monitor.

Now on the host system install it:

On Red Hat based systems:

rm -r check-mk-agent-2.3.0p16-1.noarch.rpm

On debian based systems:

dpkg -i check-mk-agent_2.1.0p16-1_all.deb

Than create a host in you're setup with:

setup > hosts > Add host

Give you're host a name and an ip address and configured it like mentioned above.

click save & view folder and in the top right corner you should find the icon below:

click on it. and than click:

Now go to setup > users

click on the pencil and choose a password for the agent-registration user:

choose a password and click save.

Now enter this command on the machine you want to monitor and

cmk-agent-ctl register --hostname main \
--server \
--site cmk \     
--user agent_registration \
--password 'yourepassword' 

If anything runs fine. You should see something look this.

Now again click on the button on the top right.

and click active on selected site.

click setup > hosts > main > save & run service discovery > Accept All

than click again on the exclamation mark on the top right again > activate on selected sites.

Now click on monitor > all hosts > main and you're done happy monitoring.